Hi, I've just upgraded from 1.32.0 to 1.33.0, and now when I try to build Boost. Threads with Borland C++, I just get a lot of errors, as shown below. I've compiled with several other compilers, and it all went fine. I'm using Borland C++ 5.6, the one that comes with Borland C++Builder 6, and I have no problems building Boost.Threads from the 1.32.0 distribution . The regression test table seems to indicate it should work, so what am I missing? Thanks. ************************************************** E:\Development\boost_1_33_0\libs\thread\build>..\..\..\..\bjam.1.33.0.exe -sTOOL S=borland ...found 556 targets... ...updating 20 targets... borland-C++-action ..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\thread\build\boost_thread.dll\borland \debug\threading-multi\exceptions.obj ..\src\exceptions.cpp: Error E2090 ..\src\exceptions.cpp 71: Qualifier 'thread_exception' is not a clas s or namespace name Error E2040 ..\src\exceptions.cpp 71: Declaration terminated incorrectly Error E2190 ..\src\exceptions.cpp 187: Unexpected } *** 3 errors in Compile *** "H:\Program\Borland\CBuilder6\bin\bcc32" -j5 -g255 -q -c -P -w -Ve -Vx -a8 -b- -DBOOST_THREAD_LIB_NAME=boost_thread -DBOOST_THREAD_BUILD_DLL=1 -v -Od -vi - -tWR -tWD -WM- -tWM -w-8004 -w-8057 -w-8001 -I"..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\threa d\build" -I"H:\Program\Borland\CBuilder6\include" -I"E:\Development\boost_1_33 _0" -o"..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\thread\build\boost_thread.dll\borland\debug\thre ading-multi\exceptions.obj" "..\src\exceptions.cpp" ...failed borland-C++-action ..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\thread\build\boost_thread.d ll\borland\debug\threading-multi\exceptions.obj... borland-C++-action ..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\thread\build\boost_thread.dll\borland \debug\threading-multi\mutex.obj ..\src\mutex.cpp: Error E2312 ..\src\mutex.cpp 44: 'm_critical_section' is not an unambiguous base class of 'mutex' in function mutex::mutex() Error E2451 ..\src\mutex.cpp 46: Undefined symbol 'm_critical_section' in functi on mutex::mutex() Error E2451 ..\src\mutex.cpp 55: Undefined symbol 'm_critical_section' in functi on mutex::~mutex() Error E2451 ..\src\mutex.cpp 63: Undefined symbol 'm_critical_section' in functi on mutex::do_lock() Error E2451 ..\src\mutex.cpp 71: Undefined symbol 'm_critical_section' in functi on mutex::do_unlock() Error E2228 ..\src\mutex.cpp 71: Too many error or warning messages in function mutex::do_unlock() *** 6 errors in Compile *** "H:\Program\Borland\CBuilder6\bin\bcc32" -j5 -g255 -q -c -P -w -Ve -Vx -a8 -b- -DBOOST_THREAD_LIB_NAME=boost_thread -DBOOST_THREAD_BUILD_DLL=1 -v -Od -vi - -tWR -tWD -WM- -tWM -w-8004 -w-8057 -w-8001 -I"..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\threa d\build" -I"H:\Program\Borland\CBuilder6\include" -I"E:\Development\boost_1_33 _0" -o"..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\thread\build\boost_thread.dll\borland\debug\thre ading-multi\mutex.obj" "..\src\mutex.cpp" ...failed borland-C++-action ..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\thread\build\boost_thread.d ll\borland\debug\threading-multi\mutex.obj... borland-C++-action ..\..\..\bin\boost\libs\thread\build\boost_thread.dll\borland \debug\threading-multi\recursive_mutex.obj ..\src\recursive_mutex.cpp: ...interrupted **************************************************