Tan Kwee Heong wrote:
"Vladimir Prus"
wrote in message news:d9dopb$3tg$1@sea.gmane.org... 1. As Peter Dimov said (IIRC), exceptions are just non-local goto. In this case, non-local goto is fine.
I wish to reconcile the information provided from Scott Meyer's More Effective C++ Item 15, with that of Peter Dimov. Could someone post some URLs/referencess of Peter's comments, for my benefit?
This thread: http://lists.boost.org/MailArchives/boost-users/msg01835.php might be what Vladimir has in mind. But it's not about performance, and "non-local goto" isn't quite the term I'd use; exceptions are structured, they are more like a non-local return. As for performance, you should always measure and evaluate it in context. You should also keep in mind that an exception usually does the job of several returns and if checks, and that the if checks are executed in the traditional return-based code even as a part of the normal flow. Of course when you want a local return - one that returns to the immediate caller - an exception is not the most efficient mechanism.