On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Steven Watanabe
Sandeep Gupta wrote:
This problem has appeared before on the list but in a different context. The following code
std::vector<int> myvec; for_each(myvec, std::cout<<_1<<' ');
gives the error:
Serializer.h:78: error: reference to ‘_1’ is ambiguous /home/sandeep/Computing/boost_1_38_0/boost/lambda/core.hpp:69: error: candidates are: const boost::lambda::placeholder1_type& boost::lambda::<unnamed>::_1 /home/sandeep/Computing/boost_1_38_0/boost/bind/placeholders.hpp:54: error: boost::arg<1> <unnamed>::_1 Serializer.h:78: error: reference to ‘_1’ is ambiguous
I believe boost/bind is getting included indirectly via some other library. I have tried several modification but none seem to work as I was quite reluctant to post a third mail on the list.
qualify _1, either with boost::lambda:: or with some namespace alias.
Thanks so much Steve. This was rather simple oversight. My mistake. -Sandeep