Hello *, I am a bit stuck to implement a very simple scenario with boost log. I need to limit the size of entire rotation log. My current logger configuration looks like that: void setup_logging( channel_settings_t const& settings , std::string const& log_file , std::string const& log_level ) { config_logger_attributes(logging::core::get(), settings, log_level); using namespace logging::aux::default_attribute_names; //add logging to file (which implicitly deletes the default console logger) logging::add_file_log ( keywords::auto_flush = true, keywords::open_mode = std::ios::out | std::ios::app, keywords::file_name = log_file+"_%N.log", keywords::rotation_size = 50 * 1024, // Just for test limit to 50K keywords::format = //"%TimeStamp%: [%Channel%] |ThreadId| <%Severity%> %Message%" expr::format("%1% : [%2%] |%3%| <%4%> %5%") % expr::attr< boost::posix_time::ptime >(timestamp()) % expr::attrstd::string(channel()) % expr::attrattrs::current_thread_id::value_type(thread_id()) % trivial::severity % expr::smessage )->locked_backend()->set_file_collector ( sinks::file::make_collector ( keywords::target = "logs" , keywords::max_size = 200 * 1024 // just for test limit to 200K ) ) ; } Unfortunately, I can't find what the target keyword means, despite the fact that it is a target directory. Target directory relating to smth or should there be a full path? Should this target directory exist? I did a test and rotating log files just grow upon the 200K limit. I just want to have let's say 3 or 4 last rotated log files, the rest should be removed? We already ran into the situation, where the logger used all disc space and the server crashed :( Any help if very appreciated! Thanks, Ovanes