On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 5:44 AM, Stefan Strasser
Am 07.03.2013 04:58, schrieb Edward Diener:
The macro you're looking for is BOOST_TTI_HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION.
However, I don't think this has been released yet. It's in the trunk, but I don't see it in the release branch.
I am fairly close to finishing my work with TTI, but it is not yet in release.
Thanks, it works as advertised.
However, it requires you to know the exact signature of the member function. I'm trying to check whether it is ok to call c.f(x), which would be satisfied by each of the following 3 signatures (and more):
struct C{ void f(X); void f(X &); void f(X const &); ... };
is there a way to check for that, or do I have to check for all (likely) signatures? there is a way to check whether a function call is ok without knowing the signature using c++11:
http://stackoverflow.com/**questions/11273184/sfinae-** member-function-existence-**test-issuehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/11273184/sfinae-member-function-existence...
I'm not sure if you can do the same in c++03.
This, and the referenced link in Russian, might help https://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c++.moderated/tree/browse_frm/thre... - Jeff