On 19/08/2017 06:26, Máté Ferenc Nagy-Egri via Boost-users wrote:
Even outside Boost, I would be interested. Having quadrature/cubature methods that are actually templated and an arbitrary precision/double-double type can be inserted with zero hassle would be nice.
By the way, does anyone know of a complete double-double implementation? (with transecendental functions)
Not a double-double (which sucks IMO, as it's impossible to reason rationally about) but Boost.Multiprecision has: * float128: thin wrapper around __float128 and libquadmath for compilers that support that type (mostly GCC). * cpp_bin_float_quad: all C++ quad precision emulation, much slower than the above, but available for all compilers. Both have full std lib support, and work with all the Boost.Math functions too (so all the special functions and other FP utilities). For quadrature support see my reply to the OP. John. --- This email has been checked for viruses by AVG. http://www.avg.com