From: "dmoore99atwork"
I'm trying to explore the compose, bind, and mem_fn libraries. I used a "real" problem I'm having. Given a vector<Trade>, I want to gather a sum of the return values of Trade::volume().
I wound up writing "accumulate_with_op" thusly: [...]
As Douglas already pointed out, std::accumulate has a version that takes a binary function object that can be used to do the job. However, I've found that the easiest way to solve these problems is to simply use for_each, like this: void add(double & a, double b) { a += b; } double sum = 0.0; std::for_each(trades.begin(), trades.end(), bind(add, ref(sum), bind(&Trade::volume, _1))); As you can see from the above, bind can compose, so you don't need compose_f_gx.
I tried for a long time to use combinations of for_each, compose_f_gx, and mem_fn to be able to do the Sum (to lead to other things like mean, stddev) into a stateful function object. Something like this:
/* broken code, trying to convery my intentions */ MeanValue m1; m1 = for_each(l.begin(), l.end(),compose_f_gx(MeanValue(),mem_fun_ref (&Trade::volume)); cout << m1.result();
I'm not sure that I understand correctly your intent, but this might be what
you want: