Tobias Schwinger wrote:
While using boost::iterator_facade wirh a class type as argument for both the 'Reference' and the 'Value' template type parameter I noticed that I can't access non-const members via operator->.
Surely you can! You must mean that you can't modify members via operator-> ?
*i is not const and neither 'Value' nor 'Reference' are.
A naiv look at the source shows me that operator_arrow_proxy::operator->() always returns 'T const *'.
Is this a bug or an intentional restriction ?
It's intentional. When your iterator's reference type is not value_type& or value_type const&, your reference type is the same as the value_type or you are using a proxy reference. Either way, if your iterator is readable, the reference is implicitly convertible to value_type. If your iterator is writable, it can be assigned from the value_type. No persistent object (lvalue) of type value_type is revealed by dereferencing the iterator; you can at best see a temporary. If iterator_facde handed you a pointer to non-const value_type, it would allow you to modify this temporary, which would then disappear. We don't do that for the same reasons the language won't bind a non-const reference to a temporary. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting http://www.boost-consulting.com