Hi, I have to correct my previous mail and call it a day. Long story short: I need to implement a begin() and end() inside this struct method offering standard iterators over the elements of the containers. Unluckily they collide with the structs created by the macro which are also unfortunately named "begin" and "end". I am basically out of options now, so it must be outside the class, or? On 2012-09-21 09:52, Nathan Ridge wrote:
thanks for the reply. Is it possible to just copy and rename the macro, or does it depend on newer features of fusion? I need to be compatible with boost 1.45 so i can't use it directly (also i need to add a few more functions to the structure later on)
BOOST_FUSION_DEFINE_STRUCT_INLINE is implemented using the sequence_facade and iterator_facade extension mechanisms, which were present in Boost 1.45 [1] [2]. So, it should be straightforward to back-port the macro to 1.45.
Regards, Nate
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/fusion/doc/html/fusion/extension/s... [2]
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