Pete, You might also look into OpenCascade (www.opencascade.org). It is *huge* and lacks comprehensive documentation, but if you have an editor with symbol and header file lookups, and are willing to code dive, then OpenCascade can help avoid lots of the headaches you'd encounter implementing your own NURBS kernel. This is especially true if you are trying to exchange data with other CAD systems, as OpenCascade has direct support for reading/writing IGES and STEP, and can convert (most?) non-NURBS surfaces into NURBS form. I have been able to use OpenCascade to exchange IGES and STEP AP203 data with Rhinoceros 3D successfully, including data that contain non-NURBS geometry. By the way, the comments are predominantly in French, so if you know the language (I don't), you'd be ahead of the game. :-) Cheers, Demian