Thanks guys. I asked the same question on the other newsgroup (for
developers i think) and someone suggested thread::bind as well. That worked
very well.
--- In Boost-Users@y..., Mark Storer
wrote: This has little to do with boost (which, again, is why I can answer; at least in part)
A member function cannot be addressed like a regular function. Ask yourself this question: With just a function pointer to go by, what will the compiler use for 'this'?
The Good News: STL contains a template functor to take care of this for you: "std::mem_fun". I haven't messed with it personally, but the docs sure make it sound like it would do the trick.
The Bad News: I'm not so sure the thread class will let you use it.
I'm not familiar with the function0<> template, so I don't know whether or not std::mem_fun will work with boost::thread.
Any function object that takes no parameters and returns void will work here. This includes std::mem_fun. I might suggest boost::bind instead, though. It's a little more flexible then the adapters provided by the standard.
Bill Kempf