Hello, Niall Douglas Wrote:
Unless you were using a custom io_uring based i/o service, all your asynchronous file i/o on Linux was actually synchronous all along.
It doesn't really matter, whether the IO really is performed asynchronously. The asio API is asynchronously in the sense, that the completion handler is not called from within the async_*() call but later from within the main loop and the main loop does not block, while waiting for the IO operation to complete. It just happens to be the same Linux API, that is used for async socket IO and for async file io, since on linux systems, sockets are files. But: Things probably are different on windows systems, so there is no guarantee. 73, Mario -- Mario Klebsch Actia I+ME GmbH Mario.klebsch@ime-actia.de Dresdenstrasse 17/18 Fon: +49 531 38 701 716 38124 Braunschweig Fax: +49 531 38 701 88 German