bjam --help in Boost's top-level dir will show the --libdir and the like. The threading and the list are documented in the "Builtin features" section of Boost.Build manual.
i spent quit a few hours on bbv2 document to get learn how to configure bjam to build boost libs. for it quite differnt from 1.33. but when i get an example bjam toolset=gcc-4.1.2 variant=release runtime-link=static threading=multi --without-regex --build-dir=/c/temp/gcc/build --stagedir=/c/temp/gcc/dest stage help with the bjam --help and the example ,i compile and installed boost successesful. so, i think an example in the very "getting started" for the usage of bjam with config option is nesesary. especially for those people just want to build boost ,not want to use bjam to manage building process of their project . 2, i use --with option in the root dir of boost,get all correct libs for rebuild a special lib. libboost_iostreams-mgw41-mt-sd-1_34_1.a libboost_iostreams-mgw41-1_34_1.a libboost_iostreams-mgw41-d-1_34_1.a libboost_iostreams-mgw41-mt-1_34_1.a libboost_iostreams-mgw41-mt-d-1_34_1.a boost_iostreams-mgw41-1_34_1.dll boost_iostreams-mgw41-1_34_1.a boost_iostreams-mgw41-mt-1_34_1.dll boost_iostreams-mgw41-mt-1_34_1.a boost_iostreams-mgw41-mt-d-1_34_1.dll boost_iostreams-mgw41-mt-d-1_34_1.a boost_iostreams-mgw41-d-1_34_1.dll boost_iostreams-mgw41-d-1_34_1.a libboost_iostreams-mgw41-s-1_34_1.a libboost_iostreams-mgw41-sd-1_34_1.a libboost_iostreams-mgw41-mt-s-1_34_1.a but in the diretary boost_1_34_1\libs\iostreams\build i use bjam -a --toolset=gcc -sNO_ZLIB -sZLIB_BINARY=zdll -sZLIB_LIBPATH=C:\MinGW\lib -sZLIB_INCLUDE=C:\MinGW\include just got . boost_iostreams-mgw41-d-1_34_1.a boost_iostreams-mgw41-d-1_34_1.dll not all files. mingw will compile with libboost_iostreams-mgw41-d-1_34_1.a when using -lboost_iostreams-mgw41-d-1_34_1 3. if add "with MinGW,MSYS is not needed, see..." seems more clear. may your help iPod、万 点 巨 额 点 卡、奖 学 金……海 量 奖 品,想 拿 就 拿!