otool -L libboost_thread-1_31.dylib
I was unable to find any reference to this on boost.org or in the mailing lists, so... Is there any way to specifiy the '-install_name' for ld to use when building boost for OS X? I see that currently the relative path to some sort of staging area in effect is used, for example, for libboost_thread-1_31.dylib, otool -L returns (among others): libboost_thread-1_31.dylib: bin/boost/libs/thread/build/libboost_thread.dylib/darwin/release/shared-linkable-true/libboost_thread-1_31.dylib (compatibility version 0.0.0, current version 0.0.0) Alternatively, I suppose I could link the .o files (in $boost/bin/boost/thread/build/libboost_thread.dylib/darwin/release/shared-linkable-true/) manually; is there anything I should look out for if I choose this path? Are there any other object files I need to include? -- Matthew Peltzer -- goochrules@gmail.com