Hello, I am trying to better understand the current status of the uBLAS library. Below I have listed a few questions. Of course, any responses are completely off the record. We just need to get a better idea of the current state of uBLAS. Thank you, in advance, for any information you provide. - What is the history of uBLAS? What is the eventual goal? - What is the current status of uBLAS? How complete is it currently? Anything left unimplemented (Sparse stuff)? Should a project which relies upon uBLAS heavily *expect* to encounter bugs within uBLAS? - Is uBLAS expected to become a part of the C++ standard? - What advantages/disadvantages do you feel uBLAS has when compared to FORTRAN. Could it replace FORTRAN? Thank you to everyone for your time and effort on all BOOST libraries and for your answers. Sincerely, Dan Elliott