Clearly, I need to link to one of the boost::test library. How should I be linking to this library? All libraries that were built have a .lib extention and are spread over a huge directory structure. How can I tell which library I need?
I'm not that familiar with Boost.Test (yet), so I really can't answer this one.
Is there a way to finnish the build process so that all of the statically-linked debug libraries are in one place? If somebody would send me a make file or let me know what is a good approach to building applications with boost, I'd appreciate it.
AFAIK, there is no way to place all the .lib files in a single directory. The phrase "building applications with boost" leads me to state: Boost is not a library. Rather, Boost is a collection of libraries. Most of the Boost libraries (such as Boost.Random) are header libraries, which means that you add ${BOOST} to the include path of your compiler and you're done with the "installation". There are a few Boost libraries (Python, Regex, Signals, Test, and Thread) that produce actual .lib library files. If you are not using those libraries, you do not need to build the .lib files. HTH, -Steve