On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 2:21 AM, Ion Gaztañaga
El 11/03/2013 13:20, lazylabs@gmail.com escribió:
However, I would prefer to do this with a std::string, which results in compilation errors:
Is it possible to write the above statement, i.e. accessing the map allocated in shared memory with std::string?
No, as the key_type is not std::string. It's a bit ugly but to fix this has no easy fix.
Thanks. It's ugly for sure, but does it have any performance impact as well? As I understand, the reason why we cannot lookup ShmemString with std::string is because of the template argument, which I have given while creating the unordered_map: std::equal_to<KeyType>, Just guessing, if something can be done here?