Ion GaztaƱaga wrote:
Eugen Stoianovici wrote:
Ion GaztaƱaga wrote:
You can't, unless you modify the code in:
Why do you want to change the location of those files?
Ion This is only a problem if you run processes with different users. Ex: if you're using shared memory between an user app and a service, the service will look for the segment in C:\Windows\Temp\ and the user app will look for it in C:\Documents and settings\user\local settings\etc. My changes should go in the temp_dir_helpers.hpp file, right?
Good point. I'll try to see if I can unify this when I have a bit of time. Maybe we can find a common directory for all processes. Any hint or suggestion?
On XP C:\Windows\Temp would be a good idea but i don't know if it is writable by all users. I'm going to look into it when i get the chance, but for now, changing the "TMP" env to something else is enough for me. Thanks again, Eugen Stoianovici