On 4/13/05, Matt Hortman
I feel almost silly asking this but:
I can only get the code listed below to compile if I remove the comments on the namespace statements, placing my custom operator<< in the boost::detail::variant namespace. Otherwise I get the error
c:\Boost\include\boost-1_32\boost\variant\detail\variant_io.hpp(64) : error C2679: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const T1' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
from VC++ 7.1 and a similar error from both gcc 3.3 and 3.4. I'm using boost 1.32 on both WinXP and FreeBSD. Looking at the code in variant_io.hpp, I see no reason why it should not work without the namespace statements. Is there something fundamental about namespaces that I don't understand?
Matt - this is (as far as I understand the C++ standard) by design. When the compiler sees std::cout << v << std::endl; it uses the operator<< found in the boost namespace. This function is found because when resolving an unqualified function call, the compiler will look for a matching function in the namespaces containing the types of the function parameters as well as the scope immediately containing the function call. Now, the operator<< for variant in the boost namespace happens to delegate to code in boost::detail::variant. This is what calls operator<< for your strlist type. Again, the compiler has to find a suitable operator<<. It will again do this by looking in the immediately enclosing scope (boost::detail::variant) and the namespaces containing any parameter types. In this case, the parameters are std::ostream and strlist, which is a std::vector, so the compiler will look in namespace std as well. In fact, you're better off declaring your operator<< in namespace std, as it will be found by 'argument dependent lookup' no matter what namespace the calling function belongs to. HTH Stuart Dootson