27 Jun
27 Jun
11:37 a.m.
Steve M. Robbins
For the Debian boost packages, by the way, we introduced an extra symlink for each library that DOES NOT HAVE the variant information included. We can do this because the canonical debian packages produce only a single variant for each library. Thus you can simply link using "-lboost_unit_test_framework" on Debian.
What about boost itself? I think they also use boost test for testing the boost lib. So they may already have some macros? Sebastian -- http://www.hpfsc.de/ - die Seite rund um: Assembler, Bundeswehr, TFT LCDs, Halle/Saale, Fahrradtouren, Neuseeland, Wanderstaat Mauma, Raumschiff USS Nathan, Enemy Room, MLCAD Tutorial