On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:06 AM Marshall Clow via Boost-users < boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 4:30 PM Tom Kent via Boost-users < boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 9:36 AM Marshall Clow via Boost-users < boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
The release candidates for the first 1.69.0 beta release are now available at:
As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download
the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.
toolset arch compile Link Execute msvc-8.0 32 FAIL X X msvc-8.0 64 FAIL X X msvc-9.0 32 X X X msvc-9.0 64 X X X msvc-10.0 32 X X X msvc-10.0 64 X X X msvc-11.0 32 X X X msvc-11.0 64 X X X msvc-12.0 32 X X X msvc-12.0 64 X X X msvc-14.0 32 FAIL X X msvc-14.0 64 FAIL X X msvc-14.1 32 X X X msvc-14.1 64 X X X
Compile means that the b2 command completed without errors Link means that visual studio was able to link a sample executable to a library (libboost_thread-vcXXX-mt[-gd]-1_XX.lib) generated Execute means that the linked program executed without errors.
Full build logs can be found here: https://gist.github.com/teeks99/526cf2598d1697557e45e590ce9517be
Lots of errors with msvc-8.0:
compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\log\build\msvc-8.0\release\link-static\threadapi-win32\threading-multi\trivial.obj trivial.cpp .\boost/parameter/aux_/arg_list.hpp(227) : error C2064: term does not evaluate to a function taking 1 arguments .\boost/parameter/aux_/arg_list.hpp(390) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::parameter::aux::arg_list
' being compiled If there is an easy way to fix arg_list.hpp that would be nice, but if this is the time to stop build 8.0, that's fine too.
Also numerous errors for many (all dlls?) of the libraries with msvc-14.0. They all look something like this:
msvc.link.dll bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll Creating library bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.lib and object bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.exp msvc.link.dll bin.v2\libs\system\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_system-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll Creating library bin.v2\libs\system\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_system-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.lib and object bin.v2\libs\system\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_system-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.exp msvc.link.dll bin.v2\libs\container\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_container-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll Creating library bin.v2\libs\container\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_container-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.lib and object bin.v2\libs\container\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_container-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.exp msvc.manifest.dll bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll 'mt' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
if exist "bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll.manifest" ( call "bin.v2\standalone\msvc\msvc-14.0\msvc-setup.bat" x86
nul mt -nologo -manifest "bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll.manifest" "-outputresource:bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll;2" )
...failed msvc.manifest.dll bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.lib... ...removing bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.dll ...removing bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-14.0\release\threading-multi\boost_atomic-vc140-mt-x32-1_69.lib
I'm on the fence if we should continue supporting 8.0, so if that doesn't get fixed then no big deal. However the issue with (the build tool?) for 14.0 seems like a showstopper for this RC.
Do we have any idea why MSVC 14 is failing?
This turned out to be something with the (Virtual) machine, I was able to run without issue on another machine. Sorry for that red-herring. Rebuilding binaries now. Tom