jordi wrote:
Reid Sweatman wrote:
Does anyone know any application/utility that includes this feature (or a regular expression debugger)? At least this utility would be easier to define (and check) a regular expression against a input.
Try 'The Regex Coach' @ http://weitz.de/regex-coach/ - that's my favourite. Built on a Lisp port of PCRE, it uses Lisp's macro feature to build instrumentation into the library. The syntax is different in places to Boost.Regex, but it's close enough for development work.
That one's good. You might also look at RxToolkit (can't turn up the URL right now, but it's not the one in Komodo) or RegexBuddy (http://www.regular-expressions.info/regexbuddy.html). I personally like RegexBuddy better because of the way it displays the match, but then, it's shareware at $30, which bugs some folk. There's an interesting example of it on the blog http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000027.html. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression is interesting, as well.
I didn't find a simple download for Rxtoolkit and regexbuddy doesn't have a demo download so I finally tried regex-coach and it works great!. It has accepted all my regex (not too complex, but not too easy neither) and now I can find where the expression does not match easily in just 30 seconds! Thanks, Jordi