You might have also seen this question on SO:
Trying to work by the design guidelines for GIL, I use |bits__| for my
channel data types. I often have external data I'm wrapping into GIL
image views. However, even using the |bits__| types for data pointers, I
have to add in a reinterpret_cast before I can create my image views.
Take the following code
|int width= 3;
int height= 2;
boost::gil::bits8 data8[] = {0, 1, 100, 200, 50, 51};
boost::gil::bits8* pBits8= data8;
boost::gil::gray8_ptr_t pGray8= pBits8;
boost::gil::gray8_view_t v= interleaved_view(width, height, pGray8, width* sizeof(boost::gil::bits8));
Results in the error on line 6 "error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot
convert from 'boost::gil::bits8 *' to 'boost::gil::gray8_ptr_t' 1> Types
pointed to are unrelated; conversion requires reinterpret_cast, C-style
cast or function-style cast"
Delving into the source code as much as I can, it appears these types
really are unreleated. bits8 is just |unsigned char|, but |gray8_ptr_t|
is a pointer to a |struct pixel