gj_uestc wrote:
I activated bjam like this:"bjam --toolset=intel --with-regex link=static runtime-link=static -sICU_PATH=C:\home\gejuan\icu4c-4_0-src\icu stage'to generate a static lib "libboost_regex-iw-mt-s-1_36.lib", to find out that 'stlport_static.5.1.lib' always been asked from "libboost_regex-iw-mt-s-1_36.lib". could you pls kindly tell me how can I get myself out of this?
No because it works for me: somehow, somewhere you must be building the regex lib with STLport, and Boost.Build most certainly doesn't do that by default / all on it's own (it wouldn't even know where to find STLPort for one thing). BTW, I believe the ICU dll's that IMB ship are built against the release/dll msvc runtime. You will almost certainly have to use the same msvc runtime in your code, and when building Boost.Regex (in other words the runtime-link=static option probably isn't binary compatible with the ICU dll's, of course if you built ICU from source then all bets are off). And finally... Boost.Regex is "just a bunch of sources", you could addthe source files in libs/regex/src/*.cpp to your IDE directly, and set BOOST_HAS_ICU as a #define, and away you go... nothing magic here. HTH, John.