Cromwell Enage
--- Cromwell Enage wrote:
Ah, I see what you mean now. No, I didn't do anything; the positional interface is still there, undocumented. I'll let you all know when a revised version is available.
The introductory page http://msmazes.sourceforge.net/doc/api/ has been beefed up to clarify the project's objectives; includes a short, dissected example program.
Positional parameters are now documented; again, see http://msmazes.sourceforge.net/doc/api/group__core__graph.html#ga3 for an example.
Is there a reason all the names end in "_arg?" Seems clumsy.
Class template documentation has also been improved; again, see http://msmazes.sourceforge.net/doc/api/classmsmazes_1_1_parallelepiped_f_s_m....
A succinct tutorial on using named parameters is available at http://msmazes.sourceforge.net/doc/api/tutorials__boost.html.
Nice! However, (The one restriction is that you must put all your positional arguments before your named ones, so use this particular feature with care.) is false. It doesn't make much sense to do otherwise, but it will work. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com