On 23 Oct 2014 at 10:53, Alexander Carôt wrote:
I have question regarding the async_receive_from - operation (using UDP):
Right now I have a thread, which triggers the receive call in constant intervals. This works allright if the sender sends data in the same interval or larger intervals.
However, if the send intervals are (much) smaller (or if multiple senders exist) the receive-operation is not triggered often enough.
Eventually I´d like the receiving socket to behave in an "event-driven " manner - so, whenever data is there the receive-handler should be invoked.
I used to work with Qt, which works this way (via signals/slots) but since I moved to boost I wonder how I can reproduce this behavior.
Can anyone tell how to approach this ?
Always keep an async_receive() pending at all times and supply a thread pool of executors for asio to issue callbacks onto. You can easily peg a 1Gbit ethernet connection with a low CPU usage with that alone. If you need to max out a 10Gbit or 40Gbit ethernet connection, come back to us. Those have non-trivial design requirements. Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/