Ok, here goes a newbie one.
I've already built boost 1.29.0, and I've also managed to build boost::date_time (libboost_date_time) using msvc6.0. I've added the .lib file to my project, included it in my Project>>Settings>>Object/library modules list and I've got the header path ok too.
Why do I keep receiving the following Link Error message?
LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static unsigned long __cdecl boost::date_time::gregorian_calendar_base<...
I really can't find a reason, besides the fact that this is supposed to be a runtime link library.
Make sure you define DATE_TIME_INLINE in your client project setting. Sorry, I broke this switch so it turns out clients always have to define this macro which is a headache. I'm planning on fixing this in 1.29.1. Jeff