sfinks wrote:
I'm trying to build libtorrent ( http://libtorrent.sf.net ) on xp+mingw+msys and I get some errors regarding boost.
Hopefully someone can help.. Sorry if its not much of a boost problem....
I've attached compiler output text as as .txt file...
g++ -ftemplate-depth-50 -I../include -I../include/libtorrent -g -g -O2 -o test_piece_picker.exe main.o test_piece_picker.o -L/boost/lib ../src/.libs/libtorrent.a -lboost_date_time -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread -lws2_32
E:/mingw/msys/1.0/boost/include/boost-1_33_1/boost/shared_ptr.hpp:253: undefined reference to `AcceptEx@32'
E:/mingw/msys/1.0/home/devel/E/libtorrent-0.11/src/session_impl.cpp:403: undefined reference to `GetAcceptExSockaddrs@32'
E:/mingw/msys/1.0/home/devel/E/libtorrent-0.11/src/session_impl.cpp:1579: undefined reference to `AcceptEx@32'
Apparently there's something wrong with your libws2_32.a, where these functions should reside. The file/line information above is bogus.