First, note that this scheme is very prone to starvation
--- In Boost-Users@y..., "svanechel"
wrote: problems. If an operation "type" acquires the "lock" and there are several threads that will also acquire this same "type" in a loop, it may very well be that the "lock" is never relinquished for the other "types" to acquire it. RW locks are a little tricky to implement because of this issue.
Can you elaborate a bit more on that one, help me to understand. Is there any way out of this problem? How can I prevent it?
There are ways to work around this, but they are non-trivial. I'm not sure I could give you an appropriate answer in a short posting, and I don't have a ready reference to point you towards either. However, a web search for "read write lock" should help you to locate some information on this topic.
You didn't use boost::condition incorrectly, you used the scoped_lock<> incorrectly. Fixing this, though, still leaves
with a questionable synchronization scheme that's prone to starvation.
Odly enough I alway use scoped_lock they way it is intended to be used. I got a confused when reading through the documentation of boost::condition and how condition::wait affects the lock. Thanks to your comments I got it working and it behaves as I expect it would. I would surely appreciate if you (or someone else) could futher clarify the starvation problem.
Just to illustrate how it occurs in text:
Two threads are in a loop acquiring read locks (threads A & B). A third thread is trying to acquire a write lock (thread C). The following sequence shows that thread C may "starve" and never acquire the lock (similar to deadlock).
1. A acquires read lock. 2. C trys to acquire write lock and blocks. 3. B acquires read lock. 4. A relinquishes read lock. 5. A acquires read lock. 6. B relinquishes read lock.
3-6 repeat indefinately as thread A & B continue to loop. Because at any given point in time there's a thread that owns a read lock, C never returns from it's attempt to acquire a write lock. Fixing
generally requires adding some sort of priority ordering to groups of lock requests. For instance, 3&5 above may result in a new
--- In Boost-Users@y..., "bill_kempf"
level and will thus block until the lower level lock from 2 has been serviced. Implementing this can be non-trivial.
Bill Kempf
Too much work for what it's worth. Thx anyway.