AMDG On 12/15/2017 02:58 AM, Forum (io) via Boost-users wrote:
<snip> /Someone suggested me to install boost as a share. I downloaded the boost 1.65.1 an untar it into /root/install-package/ Then I tried the following command: cd /root/install-package/boost_1_65_1 sudo ./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/opt/boost_1.65.1 sudo ./b2 address-model=64 variant=release threading=multi link=shared
Add `install` to the b2 command.
<snip> No folder was created in /opt/boost_1.65.1
and at the of the process, this was displayed
The following directory should be added to compiler include paths:
<snip> Then it's look like it boost has been installed in the same folder, where it has been extracted
*The my question, what did I do wrong and how can I install boost in /opt/boost_1.65.1 and make it share for ilmbase and OpenEXR?
In Christ, Steven Watanabe