AMDG On 06/02/2016 12:41 PM, Nat Goodspeed wrote:
Steven, what do these errors mean, and how can I fix them?
This travis script is trying to embed the candidate Boost.Process library in a boost_1_61_0 tarball tree and build libs/process/test.
But I must admit I've been stumped by similar errors several times before.
/home/travis/build/BorisSchaeling/boost-process/boost_1_61_0/tools/build/src/build/generators.jam:1102: in ensure-type from module generators error: target { { libs/chrono/stopwatches/include/boost. } } has no type
It means that you need to refer to /boost//headers with <implicit-dependency> instead of listing it as a source. (This is a backwards incompatible change from moving to modular boost.) In Christ, Steven Watanabe