François Duranleau wrote:
On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Manuel Jung wrote:
Maybe something like this?
template < class TokenizerFunc = char_delimiters_separator<char>, class Iterator = Glib::ustring::const_iterator, class Type = Glib::ustring
class utokenizer
Can i use wchar_t now? im a liddle bit confused, if it not works i have just to write some code myself, but i have hope getting it working.
Try this :
typedef boost::tokenizer< boost::char_delimiters_separator< Glib::ustring::value_type > , Glib::ustring::const_iterator , Glib::ustring > utokenizer ;
Okay... allready fixed that.. every line 6 times.. seems this was an encoding issue, deleting the whitespaces before the line and replaces them with "new" one solved the errors.. It compiles now right fine. Im using char_seperator<> instead of char_delimiters_seperator. To get a list of Glib::ustring::value_type, i have a ustring and extract the value_type values with the []operator. Works fine, but code crashes at runtime with a std::__throw_length_error (). Cause its not worth the work using boost::tokenizer with ustring i will write some one split up function myself for now. Thanks for your help. Damn UTF8 and unicode.. damn german^^ (even if im from germany..) Greets Manuel Jung