At long last, my multi-state mazes project has come to fruition! It's hosted at http://msmazes.sourceforge.net/ Description: Multi-State Mazes for C++ is a library for game developers that want to incorporate random multi-state mazes into their applications. A primer on the concept of multi-state mazes can be found at http://www.logicmazes.com/; the binary distribution includes a prototype implementation of the walkthrough arrow maze concept. Libraries used: * Boost.Graph * Boost.Random * Boost.Parameter (Please browse the documentation at http://msmazes.sourceforge.net/doc/api/ and comment on how I present the functions that use named arguments.) * Boost.MPL * Boost.DynamicBitset * Boost.uBlas (Particularly the vector and matrix class templates.) Have fun! Cromwell D. Enage __________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - Make it your home page! http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs