And one remained point: Does that take after Boost, and, more specifically, uBLAS? (Although I'd understand that as soon as I see the code.)
Well, pardon me but my mother toungue is not english,
Nor is it mine.
so I do not understand all idiomatics expressions. I mean : I am not sure of the meaning of what you write down.
Hmmm... Here is a snipet from Oxford Advanced Dictionary 2004: (Hope it works.) "take after sb [nopassive] 1 (not used in the progressive tenses) to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially your mother or father: Your daughter doesn't take after you at all."
What I can tell you is that my implementation of matrix inversion use uBlas and take matrix_expression as data. I will send you the code in a while.
Good! And I'll let you know whether I find it taking after uBLAS or not. ;)
I am implementing a solver tools, for general linears systems, non-singulars ones, singulars ones, square or unsquare. It also use uBlas. It use restarted GMRES algorithm and least square method. I am planing to implement such a tools for non-linear equations soon.
Waw! Great! I'll be waiting to see the result... :D (Does it include comments in English? Or, is everything there in French? Wait a moment, my French is not so good.) TIA, --Hossein ___________________________________________________________ ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com