"Jim.Hyslop" wrote:
There is a "Known Issues" section on the wiki (see the link in the auto-appended .sig) which is intended to document these common "gotchas". I haven't looked at it for a while, so I don't know how up-to-date it is.
I tried looking there first, and after your message went back for a second look. Perhaps I am being dense, but I really can't find it. Closest match is the 'build issues' page, which I think is for a different thing. 'Search' the wiki did not help either. Could you post a link to the precise page you were thinking about? And I think a more prominent link on the front page may be useful too. Perhaps even a link from the main boost page, once the information present gets to a reasonable size?
If that issue's not documented there, would you mind adding it?
No problem, once I find the page <g> [I can enter a couple more issues for the Borland compiler too] -- AlisdairM