From: "Johan Nilsson"
Thanks for the reply,
I tried the following:
std::locale defaultLocale; bool (*pIsSpace)(char, const std::locale&) = &std::isspace;
std::string::iterator nonSpace = std::find_if(stringToTrim.begin(), stringToTrim.end(), boost::bind<bool>(std::logical_not<bool>(), boost::bind<bool>(pIsSpace, _1, defaultLocale)));
But only got "error C2667: 'boost::bind' : none of 38 overloads have a best conversion" etc ...
You only need bind<bool> on the outer bind, as it uses a function object. The inner bind uses a function pointer, and there is no need to pass a type. On a more capable compiler, even the outer bind doesn't need the <bool> as it will automatically extract the return type from the ::result_type nested typedef, but MSVC 7 can't do that.