2015-01-30 3:51 GMT+04:00 Niall Douglas
The GSoC ideas submission process has been changed this year. I'll take the liberty of converting your 2014 idea to the 2015 project idea format, but be aware that without results from a programming competency test a candidate cannot be rated as preferentially chosen over the others. If you can add a suitable programming test to the idea, that would be great.
I'd be glad to mentor the Boost.Document project from last year: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/SoC2014#Boost.Document Niall, would be the following "Programming competency test" OK: {{{ Implement a generic wrapper around one of the existing Office suits. Wrapper must have the following methods: struct format { enum type { PDF, }; }; void open(const filesystem::path& path); // opens a document void export(const filesystem::path& filename, format::type format = format::PDF); // exports a document in specified format `export` function must be able to export in PDF format at least. Other formats support is welcomed. Prototypes that are able to work with different Office suits will be highly appreciated. Prototype must be submitted with unit tests and build notes. Submission of the programming test should be via copying and pasting the parts you wrote into the end of the proposal you submit to Google Melange. }}} -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin