It worked fine for me:
[09:46:50] daniello@Mercury~/Documents/Development/Study/Xcode-Boost/BoostExceptionTest
$uname -a
Darwin dhcp-2op9-2op10-east-130-35-99-215.usdhcp.oraclecorp.com 9.2.0 Darwin
Kernel Version 9.2.0: Tue Feb 5 16:13:22 PST 2008; root:
xnu-1228.3.13~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
[09:46:57] daniello@Mercury~/Documents/Development/Study/Xcode-Boost/BoostExceptionTest
$./BoostExceptionTest /fake
This is never printed on MacOS 10.5.
On 2/26/08, Lothar May
Hi Daniel,
compiling boost is successful on my system, too. Are boost exceptions caught using your build? Is your build universal?
I missed the thread on this, but I'll help you out if I can--just bring me up to speed.
Sample test code is this:
--cut here--
#include <iostream> #include
using namespace std; using namespace boost::filesystem;
int main() { try { directory_iterator i("does_not_exist"); } catch(...) { cout << "This is never printed on MacOS 10.5." << endl; } return 0; }
--cut here--
Best regards,
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