Dmitry V. Krivenok wrote:
Andrew Maclean wrote:
I built Boost 1.40 on Linux and installed it Ok. However are the libraries singlethreaded or multithreaded? eg. the library names are like this:
The older versions had -mt- in their name. eg. etc.
You can use --layout parameter to change libraries naming convention. Use the following command to see possible options:
$ bjam --help | grep -A25 layout
Thanks Andrew
Indeed, I noticed this same issue as Andrew when I built it, at first I thought this would be fine, but when I tried to compile, boost was still trying to link against the no-longer-existing -mt- versions. I ended up using --layout to use the old naming convention, but how might I go about ensuring that it compiles correctly? I'm using Boost.Build for project management, here's my configuration: geoff@venus:~$ cat /etc/site-config.jam # Copyright 2002, 2003 Vladimir Prus # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or project site-config ; using gcc ; using python : 2.6 : /usr ; import os ; local BOOST_ROOT = [ os.environ BOOST_ROOT ] ; using boost : 1.40 : <include>$(BOOST_ROOT) <library>/usr/local/lib ; lib libxslt : #no sources : <file>/usr/lib/ ; lib libxml2 : libxslt : <name>xml2 <search>/usr/lib : : <include>/usr/include/libxml2 ; geoff@venus:~$ cat user-config.jam (possibly unnecessary, but posting for the sake of being complete). project user-config ; import os ; local HOME = [ os.environ HOME ] ; lib opencl : #no sources : <name>OpenCL <search>$(HOME)/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/OpenCL/common/lib/Linux64 : : <include>$(HOME)/NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK/OpenCL/common/inc/ ; geoff@venus:~/boostTest$ cat Jamroot.jam import boost ; boost.use-project ; exe boostTest : [ glob *.cpp ] : <define>BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC=1 <library>/site-config//libxml2 <library>/boost//filesystem <library>/boost//system <library>/boost//program_options <threading>multi ; How might I make it compile correctly? Unrelatedly, how might I improve my current jam files in any way? Thanks, Geoff