19 Dec
19 Dec
4:23 p.m.
I'm aware of this problem and have had much difficulty in addressing it. I would say stick with 1.57 until I can get it fixed. Hopefully this will be for 1.61 On 12/19/15 5:25 AM, gast128 wrote:
following code used to work in boost 1.57
void f() { std::wstring wstr = L"\u20AC";
std::wofstream ofs(L"c:\\temp\\bla.xml");
boost::archive::xml_woarchive oa(ofs);
oa << boost::serialization::make_nvp("tag", wstr); }
However in 1.60 it gives an exception, since it cannot convert the uniocde character. It seems that in 1.57 in xml_woarchive_impl the utf8_codecvt_facet is set, but this has been disabled in 1.60. What is the solution / workaround?