Transitioning an application from CentOS 5 to CentOS 6 and I noticed that neither the boost-devel nor boost-static rpms contain the libboost_regex.a static library. The boost-static rpm has most of the static libs but not that one. The CentOS 5 boost-devel package had the static library. I know dynamic libraries are encouraged but I still need the static lib.
I grabbed the boost src rpm. I guess I need to build a custom version of the static rpm, but not sure yet which Makefile or where to make a change to get the libboost_regex.a.
The official answer is to follow: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_51_0/more/getting_started/unix-variants.html... But since regex is "just a bunch of source files", you could just compile all of libs/regex/src/*.cpp and then put the resulting .o files in an archive. HTH, John.