Jean-Pierre Gygax wrote:
I'm having trouble properly compiling Boost with the Dinkumware STL implementation (working with Visual C++ 7.1).
The problem is that bjam always calls CL with a /I that pulls in Microsoft's include files first, so that they take precedence over the Dinkumware ones.
This behavior seems to be rooted far down in the file Jambase located in jam_src. I don't really feel like fooling with that.
Boost.Build (w/bjam) doesn't the Jambase as provided by Perforce/Jam. SO it would be pointless to change it anyway ;-)
What can I do?
The best solution is to create a new toolset that supports Dinkumware STL on top of MSVC. If you are really interested in this the best model for this is the existing STLPort toolset. Look at the *-stlport-tools.jam and stlport.jam files in ../tools/build/v1. [1] The next best thing is to copy the msvc-tools.jam file to a msvc-dinkum-tools.jam file. And edit accordingly. If you want more detailed discussion for this the Boost.Build list. See: http://boost.org/more/mailing_lists.htm#projects for details on access. [1] It would be *really nice* to the Boost community at large if DinkumSTL support was created, ala stlport.jam, not just hacked in ;-) -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com -- rrivera/acm.org - grafik/redshift-software.com - 102708583/icq