CComPtr-like usage: boost::intrusive_ptr<IVideo> video; someObject->QueryInterface(IID_IVideo,(void**)&video);
Is there a better way? How do you bring intrusive_ptr and QueryInterface together?
The technically correct way to use QueryInterface is to pass it the address of a void*:
void* pv = 0; someObject->QueryInterface( IID_IVideo, &pv ); IVideo * pv2 = static_cast< IVideo* >( pv ); boost::intrusive_ptr<IVideo> video( pv2 ); pv2->Release();
Thanks for highlighting the ideal QueryInterface usage. The (void**) cast is too error-prone, even if you don't care about
Microsoft's CComPtr pushed me in that direction. Their CComPtr provides an operator&, too. This of course can be encapsulated in a function.
The encapsulation seems to be perfect in most cases. Unfortunately I've to
cope with some legacy (template) code for CComPtrs which relies on operator&. :-/ That's why I tried to provide it for intrusive_ptr. Is there a problem beside the void cast with my operator or its implementation? Of course, I can change the operator's signature to avoid the cast: template<typename T> void** operator&(intrusive_ptr<T>& ptr) By doing this nobody uses the operator by accident (or without thinking about it). Please note that I intend to use the operator with my legacy code only. In all other cases I'll prefer your query interface template. Thanks, Philipp