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I'm a little curious whats in the works for date_time clock support.
Specifically, there still doesn't seem to be anything better than a
second-granularity clock for Win32.
In addition, the UNIX clock is not always as precise as it could be.
In particular, the popular Pentium and and some other architectures
have some sorts of cycle-granularity hardware clock or similar that
can exceed the usual operating system clock used for time.
Really--and I have no idea what work is presently being done on
this--it might do people in some problem domains (including myself, at
times) a lot of good to have clocks with separate notions of precision
and accuracy. For example, on a Pentium, operating systems I care
about tend to have a maximum system clock accuracy around about a
millisecond plus or minus some, and its probably difficult or tricky
to get better than that. However, if the system clock was used in
combination with the Pentium cycle counter, we could probably get
precision in excess of a nanosecond. Perhaps an interface for such a
clock system might be:
typedef boost::date_time::clock