Hello Manuel,
----- Mensaje original -----
De: Manuel Jung
I have to count a lot of words. Up to now i did it with MySQL, because it was easy. The result is safed there anyway. Now i thought i could speed up this a little if i would use internally a Multi_index list to store the words, so i have only to insert all different words. The words are storedin a UnicodeString from the ICU library. My code is really near to the one from the example "sequenced.cpp". Im using the following definition:
typedef multi_index_container< UnicodeString, indexed_by< sequenced<>, ordered_non_unique
typedef nth_index
::type ordered_text; text_container tc; Im inserting new words with "tc.push_back(UnicodeString(NewWord));" And count them exactly like in the example. I thought this should be fast, but it isnt. It eats up all my CPU, but isnt fast. It is a lot slower than my old solution. I have still hope i could speed this up, before i have to switch back MySQL. The profile of a run says that "boost::multi_index::safe_mode::check_same_owner<..." eats most CPU time.
This trace indicates that you've set Boost.MultiIndex safe mode on; this and its companion invariant-checking mode are huge CPU eaters, only intended for catching programming errors in debug builds. Please turn them off and time again: is the performance adequate now? Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo