Joaquín Mª López Muñoz wrote on 13.3.2007 14:55:
Hello Filip, the problem you describe is only incidentally related with Boost.MultiIndex (anyway, thank you for using the lib!): I thank you! It's just wonderful. I'm coming back to C++ after several years and I'm excited about the new stuff. actually, it's a manifestation of a symbol clash between Boost.Lambda and Boost.Bind:
You're having the error under the conditions you describe just because boost/multi_index/sequenced_index.hpp and boost/multi_index/ordered_index.hpp internally include boost/bind.hpp.
This can of course be fixed by using boost::lambda::_1, but I doubt that it is the expected behavior. I guess the using declaration is a perfectly good solution if you don't use Boost.Bind in the offending translation unit: This is a well known problem with Boost.Bind defining its placeholders in an unnamed space (::_1,::_2,...), which causes ambiguity problems when combined with the "using namespace boost::lambda" directive. You might want to read the following thread for further info on the issue:
AFAIK this is not currently being addressed in any way.
Hm, it's a pity that a global "using boost::lambda::_1;" doesn't work. So I'll probably stick with "lambda::_1" in simple cases, and with local "using lambda::_1;" in more complex ones. Thanks for the valuable info! Cheers, Filip