"Mauricio Gomes"
That's much better and it is a relief ! Thanks Aleksey. Markus suggestion is good, I've made an honest effort but I really could not find the page.
If you don't mind I still have one more question: Do the code still needs a lot of workarounds for compilers problems or the latest versions of the compilers have good compliance ? 1.32 report shows a good situation but I don't know if it reflects good compilers compliance or boost developers heroic efforts to workaround problems.
The situation with compilers is much better than it used to be. Current versions of Comeau, GCC, Intel, Metrowerks, and Microsoft all do very well with Boost and other standard compliant code. Sun says their next release will also work well with Boost. OTOH, Borland seems to have abandoned C++. --Beman