Igor R wrote:
qi::string is not a valid parser primitive. What would you expect it to match anyway? You'll have to be a bit more specific about what kind of string you need to parse, for instance:
'"' >> ~+char_('"') >> '"'
Ok, I see... Actually, I have to parse a list of strings, where every line consists of numbers and "strings" delimited by ":" -- where "strings" may be empty or may contain virtually any character (except for the delimeter), like this: 1:23:string#1:optional&string@2 2:34:string#2:optional.string%3
besides, the last "string" in the line may be absent with the preceeding delimeter, i.e. both "1:23:string#1:" and "1:23:string#1" are valid (of course, "1:23::" is valid too)
Is it possible with Spirit? Would it be the right tool?
Hi Igor - Spirit has a built-in construct for lists: ~*char( ':' ) % ':' If you use attribute parsing you can simply perform the following: std::vector< std::string > list_of_strings; parse( begin, end, ~*char( ':' ) % ':', list_of_strings ); Nice huh? HTH - michael -- ---------------------------------- Michael Caisse Object Modeling Designs www.objectmodelingdesigns.com