Thank you for your quick answer. I think I will use a map of vector instead
of a multimap.
On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Robert Ramey wrote: On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 7:45:59 AM UTC-7, Pablo Madoery wrote: I have the following code: snip ... where you can see that the element's order is changed. When compiling it throw this warning:
boost::mpl::print that I don't know what it means. You'll have to look into source code error stack to see the comment
associated with this warning. Is this a normal behavior of the serialization library?
I am missing something ? This is a feature of the implementation of the serialization of multi map
as well as the implementation
of the std::multi map itself. The result is correct in that it's a valid
multimap but it is a different one that the original.
You could say it's an equivalent multimap. Should this have been done
differently? probably not. Trying
to guarantee this level of "equality" would couple the serialization
implementation to the
std::multimap implementation. This would add much work and never could be
entirely relied upon. If you want a specific order - don't use multi map. Expend your key size
and use map or set Robert Ramey