On Friday 06 May 2005 19:24, Jonathan Turkanis wrote:
Chris Hoeppler wrote:
using a current boost download from cvs, I encountered the following build problem: the iostreams build seems to somehow pick up the names of the source files of the serialization lib. I am appending the head of the bjam output. Any idea what's going on here?
Although I'm the author of iostreams, I don't know much about bjam, so I'm not sure what's going on. When I run bjam from the iostreams build directory, it works fine. You might try defining the variable NO_COMPRESSION -- which I guess should be IOSTREAMS_NO_COMPRESSION -- to tell bjam not to look for zlib and gzip. The compression filters are the only part of the iostreams library which are non-trivial to build, and they have caused some problems in the past, which I didn't understand, but which went away by themselves.
Hi Jonathan, when I run bjam from the iostreams build directory the iostreams lib still isn't built even if I run "bjam -sNO_COMPRESSION" as there are some errors building bzip.o due to symmetric-filter-adapter. (system: gcc-3.3.3 on linux) I just noticed, this has already been reported elsewhere in this thread. The problem I originally reported occurs when bjam (v1) is called from the boost root directory. In that case BBv1 picks up the wrong source files for iostreams. I just rebuilt bjam from the latest cvs sources and tried again with an up to date cvs checkout of boost. The build system still mixes up the serialisation source filenames with the iostreams lib (see my original post). As I don't know anything about Boost Build, I don't really know how to track down this problem... Chris